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WiMA-Gertrude_Stein.tif (6,6 Mb)
Salon de Fleurus: From the Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, Paris, 1905-1913
WiMA-Benjamin_Cankarjev_Dom.tif (10,5 Mb)
Walter Benjamin, Mondrian 63-96, Lecture at Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
WiMA-International.tif (13,4 Mb)
International Exhibition of Modern Art, Gallery of the Museum of
Contemporary Art, Belgrad 1986
WiMA-Last_Futurist_Exhibition_1986.tif (6,2 Mb)
Kazimir Malevich, The Last Futurist Exhibition, Belgrad 1985-86
WiMA-MoAA-Berlin1.tif (8 Mb)
Museum of American Art, view of Alfred Barr Jr., Museum of Modern Art,
New York 1936 and Dorothy Miller, Americans, 1953-58
WiMA-MoAA-Berlin3.tif (8 Mb)
Museum of American Art, Berlin, Installation view of Gallery 1 (Dorothy
Miller: The New American Painting, New York 1958)
Titelbild des Kataloges What is Modern Art?, ed. by Inke Arns and Walter
Benjamin, Revolver: Archiv für aktuelle Kunst, Frankfurt am Main 2006 (2